Martinez. Body Geometry, 2011. (Fabric) Color photograph.
department of art & design and University Galleries present “Dual Current:
Inseparable Elements in Painting and Architecture,” on display from Jan. 16
through Feb. 22, 2018, in both the Clara M. Eagle Main Gallery and the Eagle
Upper Gallery.
Curated by
Gabriele Evertz, “Dual Current: Inseparable Elements in Painting and
Architecture” examines the relationship, intertwined since the Renaissance,
between painting and architecture in a contemporary context through color,
shape and theory. The works of artists in “Dual Current” link three-dimensional
space and the picture plane to create radical new forms.
whose works are featured in this exhibition are: Josef Albers (American, born Germany,
1888–1976) ; Matthew Deleget (American, born 1972); Peter Dudek (American, born
1952); Cris Gianakos (Greek-American, born 1934); Michelle Grabner (American,
born 1962); Peter Halley (American, born 1953); Lynne Harlow (American, born
1968); Changha Hwang (Korean, born 1969); Russell Maltz (American, born 1952); Rossana Martinez (Puerto Rican, born 1969); Kristine Marx (American, born 1969) and Manfred
Mohr (German, born 1938).
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