“Landscape/Horizonte” a group exhibition of Puerto Rican contemporary artists at Fresh Window, New York
“Landscape/Horizonte” view exhibition
New York - Fresh
Window is pleased to present Landscape/Horizonte, a group exhibition of artists
from Puerto Rico residing in the US and in the island. Artists
include Melissa Calderón, Frances Gallardo, Fernando Pintado and Chemi
Curated by Nora Maité
Nieves, Landscape/Horizonte offers a panoramic view of multiple landscapes
shifting, yuxtaposing and confronting their complexities. Questions about
territory, migratory fears as well as the difficult task of defining
interpersonal relationships or a status are explored. Concepts of cartography,
time, migratory paths, borders and customs also offer the possibility of
revealing what is under the surface.
Melissa Calderon , Eminent Domain
Melissa Calderon
explores social and political landscapes, drawing upon historical and
philosophical references of power, fragility, and perception. The embroidered
wood works are rooted in history, memory, and place; exploring and critiquing
issues surrounding the social and environmental effects of globalization and
its impact on society.
Frances Gallardo, Murmuration
The constant flux of
living between two islands, San Juan and New York, has deeply influenced
Gallardo’s work and understanding of landscape, nature and surroundings.
Filters such as newscast, scientific data, photography and satellite imagery
give shape to new relationships and layers of perception in the form of
intricate installations. In “Murmuration”, one is drawn from the distance by a
large spherical silhouette to be met up close with hundreds of drawings of
laser cut pieces of paper pinned to the wall. An imaginary resonance plays through
these gestured drawings as an aura of enveloping insect life unfolds.
Fernando Pintado, Singles Going Steady
Fernando Pntado's work
borders on the exhaustion between the personal and the universal. Unfinished
and failed works are collaged and recycled into new ones through the use of
economical materials dragging the heroic down to the realm of epic ordinariness.
Music, poetry, theater, literature and mythology is rummaged and crashed
through finding references that can allude, adapt, and bend into parallel
personal experiences within a single frame.
Chemi Rosado Seijo, El mapa del Sur de el mundo
Chemi Rosado Seijo’s
"Mapas del Cerro" continues his long-term engagement with the
community of El Cerro, a rural, working-class community embedded in the
mountains of Naranjito, Puerto Rico. The project was initiated in 2002 by
painting the exteriors of residents’ homes different shades of green, paying
homage to the way the community has been built in harmony with the topography
of the mountains where it stands. In 2010 Rosado-Seijo and the El Cerro
community began the process of repainting the homes. In preparing the surface
of the walls they scratched and peeled off layers of paint from years of
accumulation, which were saved and later brought into the studio to be
re-examined. By framing the readymade forms that the remnants of paint created,
Rosado-Seijo developed a series of works that catalogue artifacts from the
project while referencing topographical maps that the paint fragments resemble.
The exhibition will be
on view through August 6, 2017
Friday – Sunday 1 – 6
Or by Appointment
Fresh Window , 56
Bogart Street, Brooklyn, NY 11206
718 417 0783
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