A few years back, Linnette Vázquez
Polanco had just embarked on her artistic career in Puerto Rico when she moved
to Fitchburg, Massachusetts where she now lives and works. Polanco was the
First Prize winner in last summer’s 80th Annual Regional Exhibition of Art
& Craft at FAM.
The Reflection of the Soul includes two bodies
of work: large individual drawings of human eyes, and a related installation,
“Between Glances.” The drawings, rendered with such exacting realism that they
almost appear to be photographs, are based on images of eyes that the artist finds
in magazines or on the Internet. They are not meant to be portraits of specific
eyes, but are meditations on the emotive power of the human gaze even when
entirely divorced from facial expression or body language. Polanco’s images of
eyes look directly into the real eyes of viewers, and are able to communicate
powerful and nuanced feelings.
“Between Glances,” installed in a small dark
gallery, is a swirling galaxy of eyes. Polanco creates a place defined by what
the eye takes in, and by what the eye communicates. This installation is a room
that looks in on itself, an architecture of sight, self-awareness, and
Linnette Vázquez Polanco was born in 1982
in Puerto Rico. She studied Painting and Drawing in the Escuela de Bellas Artes
de Carolina in Carolina, Puerto Rico, and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in
Communications with a Concentration in Visual Arts at the Universidad del
Sagrado Corazón in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Linnette Vázquez Polanco First Prize winner in last
80th Annual Regional Exhibition of Art & Craft at FAM
This exhibition is made possible by a
generous sponsorship from D’Ambrosio Eye Care.
Linnette Vázquez Polanco: “The Reflection
of the Soul runs”
through September 4, 2016 at Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm Street, Fitchburg,
MA 01420. Hours: Wednesday - Friday
12:00 - 4:00 p.m., Saturday - Sunday 11 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
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imágenes se publican exclusivamente para la promoción de la exposición, la
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